We follow the Hampshire syllabus “Living Difference IV” which identifies that people follow different beliefs and helps children to develop a better understanding of why people live differently from each other. Our main focus when teaching comparative religions is looking at the similarities and differences between Christianity and Hinduism.
When learning about Christianity we take part in Christian celebrations such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter. We learn about Christianity through concepts such as welcoming, specialness and change. We learn about some important Hindu festivals including Holi and Janmashtami– celebrating Krishna’s birthday. We learn about these beliefs through concepts such as remembering, celebration and power. Our RE curriculum is taught through the 'Cycle of Inquiry' on designated 'RE days' which aims to fully immerse the children in a concept and enable them to apply it to their own experiences too.
In accordance with the law, children are able to withdraw from RE lessons, at the request of their parents, as stated in the Education Act 1996 and the School Standards and Framework Act 1988. If parents wish to withdraw their children from these lessons, this should be discussed with the Head Teacher.