At Locks Heath Infant School we believe that Art is inclusive and encourages creativity and imagination for all children. We feel that Art should be a stimulating and enjoyable experience for all children, allowing them to create pieces of artwork, which has been produced individually or collaboratively. At Locks Heath Infant School, we want our children to have the confidence and freedom to experiment with their own ideas, through different mediums. All children should leave our school with:
- a set of artistic skills in drawing and painting, sculpture, textiles, printmaking and ICT
- an appreciation of work by a range of artists and use this knowledge to inspire their work
- an inquisitive nature meaning that they are capable of producing a piece of creative artwork which they and can be proud of.
- the ability to use visual language (for example, line, shape, pattern, colour, texture, form) to talk about their and other people’s Art.
- the ability to explore marks, develop ideas and show these through purposeful works of art.
- a developing independence that they can use to improve their Art.
- the ability to be artistic critical thinkers, responding to evaluations of techniques, stimuli and outcomes.