We follow Hampshire County Council’s admission policy, which can be viewed or downloaded from this page. A copy can also be requested at the school office. We have also included a link to the Hampshire County Council website for Admissions if you would like to apply online for a place at our school.
Locks Heath Infant School Admission Policy
Children are admitted in the academic year in which they are five years old and will attend full time by the end of September. We are very sensitive to the concerns of both parents and children at this important stage in their education. We therefore have an extensive induction programme and an excellent partnership with pre-school groups in the area. All of this ensures that both parents and children have every opportunity to get to know their school, their Class Teacher and Learning Support Assistant, so that they are well prepared for those important first days at school.
Children who transfer to Locks Heath Infant School during the school year are given the same care with their induction as other pupils to ensure they settle well into their new school.
Our school's Published Admission Number (PAN) is 120 pupils per year group.