Meet Our Governing Body
Clare Georgeson, Co-opted Governor
Chair of Governors
I became a governor in early 2017 when my son was in Early Years. He has recently started at Brookfield, whilst my daughter thoroughly enjoyed her time at the infant school and is now in Year 4.
I was privileged to have been elected as the Chair of Governors in July 2019 and I work with an excellent and committed team of governors who never give up in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities. Being a governor allows me to challenge and support the school to ensure every child has the best possible experience and outcomes during their time with us, as well as helping to shape the short and long term vision and plans for our amazing school.
Until late 2017, I worked in Further Education designing and delivering staff training in the effective use of technology for teaching, learning and assessment. During this time, I also worked as part of the team to deliver the eLearning Designers apprenticeship qualification framework and blended learning content. I currently do not work however as a school governor I undertake continuous professional development and certainly find myself on a constant learning curve with the responsibilities and challenges presented by the world of governance and the education sector. In addition I am one of the Welfare Officers for Gosport BMX club assisting with the safeguarding and protection of children and young people within the club as well as with working parents/carers and all the riders to ensure that absolutely everyone from the local community and further afield can safely access and enjoy the sport.
I attend many school events throughout the year and I always look forward to meeting our parents and carers on these occasions. I can also be contacted by email at: or through the school office by calling 01489 584180 or by leaving a letter with the office marked FAO Clare Georgeson
Zoë Cunningham, Co-opted Governor
SEND Lead Governor
I’ve had my second child recently leave the infants so after four years as a parent governor I was offered the opportunity to stay on as a Co-Opted Governor and I was happy to oblige. I am passionate about ensuring that the school offers opportunities for all children and as the nominated SEN governor have an interest in ensuring that is the case for those children in particular.
In my day job I work for a large accounting firm advising on tax matters so it is great to be able to bring the knowledge and skills acquired in large corporates for the benefit of the school. In return I get to step outside of my comfort zone and acquire new skills when wrestling with the issues that are brought before the Governing Board. It has been a challenging role at times over the last few years but something that I have enjoyed immensely and I would encourage anyone with a passion for children and education to get involved with!
Ben Davies, Parent Governor
I became a Parent Governor in 2023 when my son had started early years in the previous September.
I applied for the role to try and play an active part in my children's education, with my youngest also expected to attend Locks Heath in 2025. But also because it was outside my comfort zone, and I’d never taken the opportunity to support my community outside of my day job. Having been in Financial Services for over 16 years, I wanted to be able to start sharing any expertise I had. It would also be an excellent learning experience as the Governing body brings together a variety of different people, professions and points of view that work together to make Locks Heath as successful as it can be.
Given my background, I was keen to offer what support I could to the school’s budgeting in particular, understanding how important this is to an effective learning environment for both the children and the staff. I’m also passionate about sport and physical education and so was appointed PE and Sport Premium Link governor in 2023.
We work well together, and what I’ve learnt is there are no silly questions as long as you’re putting the school, and importantly the children’s best interest first.
Stuart Johnston, Associate Member
Health & Safety
Pen portrait coming soon
Hayley Porter-Straw, Vice Chair, Parent Governor
I became a parent Governor in late 2023, my youngest daughter being in year one. My eldest daughter has recently started at secondary school having spent seven years across the Locks Heath schools. Both my children have very much enjoyed their time at the school and I feel privileged that they are part of such a fantastic school community. The academic element being just one part of that journey.
I am a qualified and practising Barrister of over 15 years call. I see this role as a great opportunity to contribute to the school and the wider community. I welcome being involved in helping the school continue to deliver the best outcomes for the children.
Julie Robertson, Parent Governor
I became a governor in early 2023, when a position came up for a parent governor, and my son has just started in early years in the previous September.
Having been a childminder looking after children from the school for the last 4 years, I really wanted to get more involved with it, and this role felt like a good step for me. I have ties with the local community through both childminding and my business, Strong Mum Crew, and I wanted to help out, as well as shape how things look for our young people.
My background is in Learning and Development prior to early years, and of late I have taken an interest in Mental Health for children as well as SEN, so I hope this will compliment my role within the curriculum committee.
Working together with a highly committed board of governors, as well as the staff and Mr Jump, has been inspiring and I hope to continue building upon the school in years to come.
A big part of the reason we chose the location of our house was because of the school, and I look forward to working closely together.
Fraser Rowbotham, Co-Opted Governor
Pen portrait coming soon
Jessica Rose Seckington, Local Authority Governor
Pen portrait coming soon
Susannah D' Souza , Independent Clerk to the Governing Body