At Locks Heath Infant School, pupils will enjoy a curriculum where they can…
- Have a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and be able to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
- Reason mathematically, explore relationships and make generalisations
- Solve problems in a range of contexts, showing perseverance and resilience in seeking a solution by choosing and applying strategies flexibly
- Experience a challenging but supportive mathematical environment, adapted and designed to meet the needs of all pupils
- Have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the relevant content for their age and stage of learning
- Access a wide range of concrete materials, models and images to support conceptual understanding
- Explore relevant and purposeful cross-curricular links
Mathematics Vision at Locks Heath Infant School
Mathematics is not just a question of skills; it is a way of thinking. We aim for our children to get better at thinking mathematically, for children’s maths learning to be based on real understanding and for their mathematical skills to be firmly embedded so that they can solve problems with confidence and success. We foster positive attitudes and interest in mathematics, a ‘have a go’ attitude and an environment where children are not afraid to make mistakes.
We want our children to be actively involved in problem solving and reasoning, as well as learning the numeracy skills that are so essential in everyday life. We want them to have the opportunities to make meaning of the maths for themselves, engage in deeper thinking and find pleasure in discovering a solution. We want them to experience enjoyment and excitement in ‘finding out’, and communicating their ideas to others.
In maths lessons children are given opportunities to practise and consolidate their skills and apply their learning through a planned balance of practical and recorded work. A range of resources support their learning, including structured apparatus that is fit for purpose and available for children to use during mathematics sessions. Our classroom environments have clear maths displays, which operate both as a visual prompt of our learning journeys, and a reference point for prior learning. This, alongside some key models and images, enables children to develop a sound understanding of the principle ideas in maths so that these can be built upon through the year.
Children are taught a range of mental as well as written strategies to help them calculate efficiently. They are supported to independently use and apply the skills and concepts they have mastered through a range of rich, problem solving contexts and they are encouraged to articulate their understanding, reason, explain, justify and reflect on their learning. Maths sessions encourage children to be curious, ask questions, notice patterns and relationships and relish challenge.
In Early Years, we follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years and Foundation Stage (2021) and children are taught Number and Numerical Patterns, with rich opportunities to develop spatial reasoning skills across all areas of mathematics including shape, space and measures. This is delivered through both direct teacher instruction and through consolidation activities, both independent and adult supported, through the classroom environment and play.
In line with the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum, the following areas of maths are taught: Number and Place value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Measures, Geometry (properties of shapes, position and direction) and, in Year 2, statistics. Links between the different areas of maths are explicit and links with other areas of the curriculum are capitalised upon. You can find our Curriculum Overviews for each year group below, linked with the White Rose Scheme of Learning. These are sometimes adapted to suit the needs of each cohort, and some areas of mathematics may be focused on for a longer period of time to consolidate and reinforce key skills.