Governors' Overview
Learning Together on a Voyage of Discovery
At Locks Heath Infant School we have a committed and passionate governing body with members from an array backgrounds who bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience from their respective industries. The Board is responsible in law for the school.
Governors collectively undertake the three core functions of governance:
- ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school,
- holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and outcomes for all children and the effective and efficient performance management of the staff
- overseeing the financial performance of the school and ensuring money is well spent.
Never Giving Up
The role of school governor is a demanding but very rewarding one. Our approach is one of commitment, honesty and openness in the undertaking our duties. Governors are always prepared to challenge and have courageous conversations when holding school leaders to account. The whole governing board also of course celebrate and acknowledge the successes and achievements our amazing staff and children.
Everyone Caring
As an infant school we are in the privileged position of being able to give children the best possible start to school life and to their education. All governors have a passion for ensuring children have an outstanding experience at school with a strong focus on the development of the whole child.
Governors also act as a supportive and critical friend to the school. Our staff are never forgotten and their wellbeing is challenged upon by governors throughout the year. We pride ourselves in the integrity of our members and our balance of rigorous holding to account with positive support.
Seeking To Find Out
No one governor is expected to know absolutely everything about the school and about governance itself.
All governors receive a full induction to the school and to governance itself. Governors are committed to their ongoing training and development and we have access to a full suite of workshops and webinars from Governor Services at Hampshire County Council.
The governing body embraces opportunities to be involved in school life through attending school assemblies, project celebrations and events and pupil conferencing to name just a few.
Working Together
We work together as a team and all decisions made are the joint responsibility of the whole governing body.
The full governing body operates a flat structure and meets 10 times per academic year. There are a number of working groups and lead governors who have been given specific oversight of a particular area to deepen the board’s knowledge of a particular area specifically where the board has specific legal duties, within the school. These include but are not limited to; Safeguarding, Early Years, Health and Safety, Key Stage 1, SEND and Inclusion.
The Board work together with the Headteacher to formulate a monitoring plan to ensure that governors can effectively monitor and challenge the school’s progress against the priorities in the strategic plan. Monitoring and focus visits are an excellent way for governors to triangulate evidence and provide valuable opportunities for governors to work closely with staff members to gain a deeper understanding of some of the initiatives used in school to ensure continuous improvement and progress.
You can contact our Chair of Governors, Clare Georgeson, by email at: or through the school office - 01489 584180
Meet the full governing body here